Results for 'Expectations In Eastern'

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  1. Dialogue and universausm no. 7-8/2003.Expectations In Eastern, Western Europe & Of Europe - 2003 - Dialogue and Universalism 13 (7-12):93.
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  2. The Enlargement of the EU: Social Support and Expectations in Eastern and Western Europe and their Consequences for the Unification of Europe.Jakob Juchler - 2003 - Dialogue and Universalism 13 (7-8):93-114.
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    Moral issues of live-in care by Eastern European care workers for people with dementia: an ethical analysis of relatives’ expectations in online forums.Simon Gerhards, Milena von Kutzleben & Mark Schweda - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (4):573-590.
    ProblemAn estimated 100,000–500,000 migrant care workers provide live-in care in German households, many of them caring for older people with dementia. Social research has identified a wide range of structural social problems associated with live-in care. However, a systematic ethical analysis and discussion is still missing.ArgumentsThis article explores the moral conflicts that arise in the microsetting of live-in arrangements for people with dementia. For this purpose, we conduct an ethical analysis of the expectations of relatives towards live-in care for (...)
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  4. Democracy and the Market: Political and Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin America.Adam Przeworski - 1991 - Cambridge University Press.
    The quest for freedom from hunger and repression has triggered in recent years a dramatic, worldwide reform of political and economic systems. Never have so many people enjoyed, or at least experimented with democratic institutions. However, many strategies for economic development in Eastern Europe and Latin America have failed with the result that entire economic systems on both continents are being transformed. This major book analyzes recent transitions to democracy and market-oriented economic reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin (...)
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    Institutions, Nationalism, and the Transition Process in Eastern Europe.Svetozar Pejovich - 1993 - Social Philosophy and Policy 10 (2):65-78.
    In the late 1980s, the actual accomplishments of capitalism finally made a convincing case against socialism. After several decades of experimentation with human beings, socialism in the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries died an inglorious death. To an economist, the present value of the expected future benefits from socialism fell relative to their current production costs. And Marx was finally dead and, hopefully, buried.
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    Prospects for control of tick-borne diseases in cattle by immunization in eastern, central, and southern Africa.F. L. Musisi & J. A. Lawrence - 1995 - Agriculture and Human Values 12 (2):95-106.
    Tick and tick-borne diseases, especially East Coast fever, caused byTheileria parva, are amongst the most important factors limiting cattle production in Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa. In the past, they have been controlled mainly by the use of acaricides to kill ticks. Immunization has been shown to be an effective alternative method of control of tick-borne diseases in limited field trials. A development program has been initiated to produce vaccines and implement immunization on a wide scale in the region (...)
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    Elements of academic integrity in a cross-cultural middle eastern educational system: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan case study.Ashraf Farahat - 2022 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 18 (1).
    IntroductionAcademic integrity is the expectation that members of the academic community, including researchers, teachers, and students, to act with accuracy, honesty, fairness, responsibility, and respect. Academic integrity is an issue of critical importance to academic institutions and has been gaining increasing interest among scholars in the last few years. While contravening academic integrity is known as academic misconduct, cheating is one type of academic misconduct and is generally defined as “any action that dishonestly or unfairly violates rules of research or (...)
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    Lorenzo Magnani and Ping Li : Philosophy and Cognitive Science: Western and Eastern Studies: Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics, Springer, Berlin, 2012, 287 pp, $259.00, ISBN: 978-3-642-299228-5.Jordi Vallverdú - 2015 - Minds and Machines 25 (1):115-117.
    With the title “Philosophy and Cognitive Science: Western and Eastern Studies,” the average reader can expect to find at least three things: a book on the main relationships between cognitive science and philosophy, a text that compares the academic research on cognitive science in Western contexts with Eastern contexts , and finally a significant representation of main Western and Eastern countries, at least those participating in contemporary research. Astonishingly none of these three aspects can be found reading (...)
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    The Mis-Match of Expectations and Tools in Transition Economies.Jerry Wheat, Brenda Swartz & Jeffrey Apperson - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 47 (4):335 - 341.
    The fall of the former Soviet Union and the opening of the countries of Eastern Europe has prompted examination of why central planning failed, why capitalism with all its faults is succeeding, and what actions and institutions are necessary to move command economies toward successful, sustainable market economic systems. As they privatize State Owned Enterprises (SOE's) expectations are that the companies will function with the success experienced by western companies. Governments hope to derive tax revenue from company profits (...)
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    Het politiek gebeuren in de Europese Gemeenschap in 1990.Liesbet Hooghe - 1991 - Res Publica 33 (3-4):396-431.
    The democratic revolutions in Eastern Europe, the speedy unification process of the two Germanies, growing economic disarray in the Soviet Union and the Gulf War put great pressure on the European Community - and raised high expectations throughout 1990. The external challenges initially seemed to slow down the internal integration process. But by the end of 1990 the Twelve committed themselves to further European political union and European economic union culminating into a central bank and a common currency. (...)
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  11. The Philosophical Leninism and Eastern 'Western Marxism' of Georg Lukács.Joseph Fracchia - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (1):69-93.
    This essay centres on the English translation of Georg Lukács’s Tailism and the Dialectic. Lukács is generally heralded as a founding theoretician of a ‘Western Marxism’, in opposition to ‘Eastern’ Soviet Marxism, and his most impressive and most influential work, History and Class Consciousness, is generally treated as having rehabilitated Marxist concern with questions of subjectivity. It might therefore come as a surprise when Lukács in Tailism states that the purpose of History and Class Consciousness was to demonstrate ‘that (...)
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  12.  12
    One Life for Another in the Holocaust: A Singularity for Jewish Law?Melech Westreich - 2000 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 1 (2).
    Millions of Jews who were committed to the Halacha, the Jewish code of law, were under Nazi rule and control during the Second World War. Various sources indicate that during the Holocaust, such Jews petitioned rabbis and Halacha sages with questions on halachic matters, both of a ritual nature as well as a legal nature. Due to the tremendous profusion during the Holocaust of situations in which the matter of preferring one life over another arose, one would expect to find (...)
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    Socio-political stability, voter’s emotional expectations, and information management.Vladimir Tsyganov - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):269-281.
    The dependence of socio-political stability on the emotional expectations of voters is investigated. For this, a model of a socio-political system consisting of a society of voters and a democratically elected politician is considered. The neuropsychological model of the voter takes into account his emotional expectations. The social stability is guaranteed by the expectations of positive emotions of all voters. Socio-political stability means both the social stability and the re-election of politician. One type of voter is a (...)
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    Self-ratings and expectations of the U.s. President, ideal physicians, and ideal automechanic.Carole A. Rayburn & Suzanne Osman - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (1):45-51.
    Relationships between self-ratings and expectations of an ideal U.S. president, were studied in 43 men drawn from a university setting in the eastern coast of the U.S.A. The men first rated themselves on personality variables, life choices (agentic and communal), peacefulness, spirituality, and morality. Then they were presented with a vignette requesting that they describe an ideal U.S. president on inventories measuring personality variables, life choices, peacefulness, spirituality, and morality. For the rating of the ideal U.S. president, they (...)
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  15.  28
    Bio- und Medizinethik in Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas. Eine Hinführung.Gerhard Banse, Monika Bartíková, Andrzej Kiepas, Dan L. Dumitrascu, Daniela Kovaľová, Josef Kuře, Dieter Birnbacher, Minou Bernadette Friele & Alexander Bogner - 2007 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 29 (1):5-74.
    The area of biomedicine is one of the fastest developing areas of science and technology. The perception of its possible and expected positive or negative impacts results in the growing number of bioethical discussions in scientific community, politics and public. Their intensity, focus and used methods differ from country to country. Th e authors of the prologue have tried to map the state of the art and expected development of bioethical discussion in the countries of Middle and Eastern Europe. (...)
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    Mediating Ethnic Identities: Reaching Consensus through Dialogue in an African Society.Temisanren Ebijuwa & Adeniyi Sulaiman Gbadegesin - 2015 - Cultura 12 (1):57-69.
    In recent times, African states have experienced multiple challenges. The most disturbing one is the inability to evolve a sustainable culture of dialogue that is suitable for the mitigation of ethnic conflicts in contemporary Africa. It is this failure that has generated many other problems in other spheres. These problems, in concert, have made the socio-political space largely that of frustration, despair and disappointment. This accounts for the social design of unhealthy alliances and the basis for the affirmation of parochial (...)
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    Het laatste jaar van de Twaalf : de Europese Unie in 1994.Bart Kerremans - 1995 - Res Publica 37 (3-4):461-479.
    In view of the pessimism on the two EU presidencies before 1994 and ofa number ofpolitica[ breakthroughs that has been reached during that year, one can say that the last year of the Tweve has been relatively succesful. It was a year in which the economic recession came to an end, in which the enlargement negotiations have been concluded, and in which the Europe Agreements entered into force. At the same time, however, 1994 showed the first signs of future problems (...)
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    Nature in Medieval Thought: Some Approaches East & West (review).André Goddu - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (4):585-587.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.4 (2001) 585-587 [Access article in PDF] Chumaru Koyama, editor. Nature in Medieval Thought: Some Approaches East & West. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters. Leiden: Brill, 2000. Pp. xiv + 183. Cloth, $65.00. The subtitle of this volume is misleading. The Japanese scholars represented (Koyama, Y. Iwata, and B. R. Inagaki) were all trained in Western medieval philosophy and are highly (...)
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    One robot doesn’t fit all: aligning social robot appearance and job suitability from a Middle Eastern perspective.Jakub Złotowski, Ashraf Khalil & Salam Abdallah - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (2):485-500.
    Social robots are expected to take over a significant number of jobs in the coming decades. The present research provides the first systematic evaluation of occupation suitability of existing social robots based on user perception derived classification of them. The study was conducted in the Middle East since the views of this region are rarely considered in human–robot interaction research, although the region is poised to increasingly adopt the use of robots. Laboratory-based experimental data revealed that a robot’s appearance plays (...)
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    Healthcare staff's experiences of implementing one to one contact in nursing homes.Ann Karin Helgesen, Liv Berit Fagerli & Vigdis Abrahamsen Grøndahl - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):505-513.
    Background: Person-centred care is often described as an ideal way of preserving vulnerable persons’ wellbeing and dignity and an essential component of quality-care delivery. However, the staff find that making the care dignified is the most challenging issue, often because of effectivity, everyday stress and overload. In the interests of making the care more person-centred, systematic intervention involving ‘one-to-one contact’ (resident – carer) was trialled for 30 min twice a week over 12 months in two units in a nursing home (...)
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    The role of spiritual formation in the education of modern human beings: A European Christian perspective.Constantin V. Necula - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-6.
    One of the most considerable changes in the contemporary European educational mentality is a person's disconnection from spiritual life. Christian formation has been replaced with religious pluralism, in terms of syncretism influenced by global economic ideologies. Some consequences are low resilience and low spiritual resistance to contemporary challenges, associated with mental traumas or social behaviour deficits. Is it possible to restore the modern person's spiritual education? There is no evolution in the modern individual's social life without a horizon of spiritual (...)
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    The ethics in Japanese information society: Consideration on Francisco Varela’s The Embodied Mind from the perspective of fundamental informatics. [REVIEW]Toru Nishigaki - 2006 - Ethics and Information Technology 8 (4):237-242.
    The ethics in an information society is discussed from the combined viewpoint of Eastern and Western thoughts. The breakdown of a coherent self threatens the Western ethics and causes nihilism. Francisco Varela, one of the founders of Autopoiesis Theory, tackled this problem and proposed Enactive Cognitive Science by introducing Buddhist middle-way philosophy. Fundamental Informatics gives further insights into the problem, by proposing the concept of a hierarchical autopoietic system. Here the ethics can be described in relation to a community (...)
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  23.  6
    Logic in China and Chinese Logic: The Arrival and (Re-)Discovery of Logic in China.Rafael Suter & Yiu-Ming Fung - 2020 - In [no title]. pp. 465-507.
    The present chapter sketches the adoption of logic in late nineteenth and early twentieth century China. Addressing both conceptual and institutional aspects of this process, it contextualizes the raising interest in the discipline among Qing scholars and Republican intellectuals. Arranged largely chronologically, it delineates the successive periods in the reception of major works of and intellectual trends in the field. It introduces the most influential scholars promoting a public discourse on logic in the final years of the empire, but also (...)
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    3 Chinese Philosophy – Philosophy in China.Hans Feger - 2016 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2016 (1):22-24.
    The discourse on freedom that Kant unfolds in his writings on the history of philosophy, especially in his essay Idea for a Universal History with Cosmopolitan Intent (1784), is a constitutive component of the moral perspective whose key concept is the notion of freedom. This is why critical philosophy, as Kant says, has its own “chiliastic expectation”, and the critical philosopher is a prophet who himself “occasions und produces the events he predicts”. Questions concerning the proper use of freedom – (...)
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    Daniel Caner, Wandering, begging monks. Spiritual authority and the promotion of monasticism in late antiquity.Alice-Mary Talbot - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (1):197-198.
    Daniel Caner's monograph, a reworking of a University of California at Berkeley doctoral dissertation, maintains the high standards that we have come to expect from the series of books on Late Antiquity overseen by Peter Brown. His book provides a detailed examination, with meticulous documentation, of the phenomenon of wandering and begging monks that appeared in the late 4th and early 5th centuries, especially in the eastern Mediterranean region and North Africa, during the formative period of Christian monasticism. These (...)
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    The Man In The High Castle And Philosophy: Subversive Reports from another Reality.Bruce Krajewski & Joshua Heter (eds.) - 2017 - Open Court.
    The Man in the High Castle is an Amazon TV show, based on the Philip K. Dick novel, about an "alternate present" (beginning in the 1960s) in which Germany and Japan won World War II, with the former Western US occupied by Japan, the former Eastern U.S. occupied by Nazi Germany, and a small "neutral zone" between them. A theme of the story is that in this alternative world there is eager speculation, fueled by the illicit newsreel, The Grasshopper (...)
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    Distrust and patients in intercultural healthcare: A qualitative interview study.Lise-Merete Alpers - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (3):313-323.
    Background: The importance of trust between patients and healthcare personnel is emphasised in nurses’ and physicians’ ethical codes. Trust is crucial for an effective healthcare personnel–patient relationship and thus for treatment and treatment outcomes. Cultural and linguistic differences may make building a trusting and positive relationship with ethnic minority patients particularly challenging. Although there is a great deal of research on cultural competence, there is a conspicuous lack of focus on the concepts of trust and distrust concerning ethnic minority patients, (...)
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    ‘Big Sisters’ are Better Domestic Servants?! Comments on the booming au Pair Business.Annette Puckhaber & Sabine Hess - 2004 - Feminist Review 77 (1):65-78.
    The au pair program in general is still known as a form of cultural exchange program and a good possibility for young women to spend a year abroad, although it has undergone great changes during the last 10 years. This article argues that due to different socio-economic and cultural processes in Western postindustrial societies as well as in the eastern and southern parts of the world the au pair program is becoming a form of domestic work with quite similar (...)
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    Russell's Anti-Communist Rhetoric before and after Stalin's Death.Stephen Hayhurst - 1991 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 11 (1):67-82.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RUSSEL:rS ANTI-COMMUNIST RHETORIC BEFORE AND AFTER STALIN'S DEATH STEPHEN HAYHURST History / Copenhagen International School Copenhagen, Denmark 1100 A communist regimes collapse in Eastern Europe, and the rhetoric of the Cold War is at last abandoned, it seems an appropriate time to examine an aspect of Bertrand Russell's political life and thought which has not been as well documented as, for example, his activities in the First World (...)
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    Teaching Language Through Virgil in Late Antiquity.Frances Foster - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1):270-283.
    Romanmagistriandgrammaticitaught their students a wide range of subjects, primarily through the medium of Latin and Greek literary texts. A well-educated Roman in the Imperial era was expected to have a good knowledge of the literary language of Cicero and Virgil, as well as a competent command of Greek. By the late fourth and early fifth centuries, this knowledge had to be taught actively, as everyday Latin usage had changed during the intervening four centuries. After the reign of Theodosius the division (...)
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  31. Moral Discernment and Doubt in the Human Journey.Perry Hamalis - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (4):175-190.
    An ongoing challenge within all approaches to ethical decision making is reducing the degree of doubt about what action is right, good, or at least better in a given situation. The process of moral discernment within Christian thought is no exception; however, different Christian communities tend to understand moral doubt and moral certainty differently, to pursue different ways of allaying doubt, and to expect—and accept—different degrees of moral certainty. Drawing especially from Aristotelian virtue theory, selected teachings from the Eastern (...)
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    Hadıth Commentary Methodology In The Mālıkīs (Particular To Abū Al-Muṭarrif Al-Qanāziʻī And Hıs Book Tıtled Tafsīr Al-Muwaṭṭaʼ).Uğur Erman - 2024 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (20):74-91.
    Sunnah is an issue that Muslims pay special attention to it, since it is the second source of the religion of Islam. After the Prophet’s passing away, both the companions (al-saḥāba) and the successors (tābiʻūn) and tabaʻu al-tābiʻūn made extraordinary efforts to understand and interpret the Sunnah correctly. In fact, since the science of hadith is the common denominator in all fields of basic Islamic sciences, all scholars have tried to explain the transmission of hadith, the way it was narrated, (...)
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    Firm–Employee Relationships from a Social Responsibility Perspective: Developments from Communist Thinking to Market Ideology in Romania. A Mass Media Story.Oana Apostol & Salme Näsi - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (3):301-315.
    Firm–employee relationships are dependent on the wider societal context and on the role business plays in society. Changes in institutional arrangements in society affect the perceived responsibilities of firms to their personnel. In this study, we examine mass media discussions about firm–employee relationships from a social responsibility perspective via a longitudinal study in Romanian society. Our analysis indicates how the expected responsibilities of firms towards employees have altered with the changing role of firms in society since the early 1990s. These (...)
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    The Soviet Union in Its Project and Reality: Philosophical-Historical Notes.Sergey A. Nikolsky - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (5):353-368.
    Philosophical analysis of the Soviet Union as a phenomenon is relevant in light of the approaching centennial of its formation. The significance of this event derives from the Soviet Union’s enormous scale and historically, qualitatively unique formation that included many dozens of nations and nationalities. This formation replaced the equally enormous Russian Empire but arose not due to natural development but on its ruins, by the means of a European Marxism adapted to domestic conditions. Nowhere in the world have societies (...)
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    Sanctuary schematics and temple ideology in the Hebrew Bible and Dead Sea Scrolls: The import of Numbers.Joshua J. Spoelstra - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):5.
    The temple schematics in the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS), that is, New Jerusalem and Temple Scroll, has often been comparatively examined with the sanctuary structures in the Hebrew Bible (HB) (Ezk 40–48 and Num 2). Typically, in scholarship, the irreconcilable differences between all accounts (regarding the size, shape, name-gate ordering, etc.) is underscored, thus rendering a literary conundrum. This article argues that New Jerusalem and Temple Scroll drew from both Ezekiel 40–48 and Numbers 2 in different ways, purporting the sect(s)’s (...)
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    Religion in Eastern Europe.Michael S. Jones - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (6):213-216.
    Religion in Eastern Europe, Paul Mojzes and Walter Sawatsky, eds.
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    Eunus: The Cowardly King.Peter Morton - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (1):237-252.
    In 135b.c., unable to endure the treatment of their master Damophilus, a group of slaves, urged on by the wonder-worker Eunus, captured the city of Enna in Eastern Sicily in a night-time raid. The subsequent war, according to our sources the largest of its kind in antiquity, raged for three years, destroying the armies of Roman praetors, and engaging three consecutive consuls in its eventual suppression. The success of the rebels in holding out for years against a progression of (...)
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  38. The Rabbit and The Duck: Antinomic unity in Dostoevskij, the Russian religious tradition, and Mikhail Bakhtin.Ksana Blank - 2007 - Studies in East European Thought 59 (1-2):21-37.
    At the core of Dostoevskij's philosophy and theology lies a concept according to which the Truth is antinomical: it contains both a thesis and its antithesis without expectation of synthesis. This concept can be traced to Eastern Patristics. After Dostoevskij, the theory of antinomies was elaborated by 20th century Russian religious thinkers such as Pavel Florenskij, Sergej Bulgakov, Nikolaj Berdjaev, Semën Frank, and Vladimir Losskij. Their ideas help us to understand that Dostoevskij's dialogism, made famous in its secular guise (...)
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    The Politics of the Basic Income Guarantee: Analysing Individual Support in Europe.Tim Vlandas - 2019 - Basic Income Studies 14 (1).
    This article analyses individual level support for a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) using the European Social Survey. At the country level, support is highest in South and Central Eastern Europe, but variation does not otherwise seem to follow established differences between varieties of capitalisms or welfare state regimes. At the individual level, findings are broadly in line with the expectations of the political economy literature. Left-leaning individuals facing high labour market risk and/or on low incomes are more supportive (...)
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    Philosophy in eastern europe: An introduction.Ervin Laszlo - 1966 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 9 (1-4):1 – 10.
    The purpose of this 'Introduction' is to provide an objective approach to the study of contemporary East-European dialectical materialism. It consists of three parts. Part I outlines the common features of the standpoints of East-European philosophers, defining a set of basic propositions functioning as universally accepted premisses of dialectical materialist philosophic construction. Part II considers the hierarchy of East-European philosophic life and sketches the conditions of philosophic activity. Part III draws analogies and points out the differences between contemporary philosophy in (...)
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    Human Rights – Real of Just Formal Rights? Example of the (Un)Constitutionality of Data Retention in the Czech Republic.Jan Kudrna - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1289-1300.
    Approximately twenty years after it was necessary to fight for human rights, the time came when it was necessary to do it again. Or to begin at the very least to protect them very strongly and thoroughly in a preventive manner. Other methods and means will revert to time when human rights were formally anchored but their material establishment is not yet realized, or not at least to the extent expected corresponding to their real substance. The beginning of the 90’s (...)
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    Growing burdens? Disease-resistant genetically modified bananas and the potential gendered implications for labor in Uganda.Lincoln Addison & Matthew Schnurr - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (4):967-978.
    How will the adoption of genetically modified staple crops reconfigure labor processes in Sub-Saharan Africa? This article focuses on Uganda, where GM varieties of matooke, the country’s primary carbohydrate staple, are expected to be commercialized within the next few years. The paper draws on survey data and focus groups with a random sample of over one hundred and fifty growers to investigate the potential ways a variety engineered to be resistant to banana bacterial wilt might impact labor dynamics. A BBW (...)
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    Lenin's Reformulation of Marxism: The Colonial Question as a National Question.S. Seth - 1992 - History of Political Thought 13 (1):99.
    There are two observations about the history of Marxism as a theory, and of the movements informed by that theory, which command wide assent. The first is an indisputable empirical observation: socialist movements proved more successful in the relatively �backward� parts of the world than in the heartlands of capitalism, where Marx expected his ideas to take root and his prophecies to be fulfilled. Marxist ideas and Marxist inspired movements once registered important successes in Eastern and Central Europe (distant (...)
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    Rabindranath Tagore’s Idea of Universal Humanism in the Light of Islamic World View.Ichhimuddin Sarkar - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:53-66.
    Very few studies are available to understand the philosophical views of Rabindranath Tagore in the light of his attitude and realization of Islam vis-à-vis idea of universalism. Fact remains that the Islamic civilization has thoroughly been recognized in the academic circles but its depth and learning have not been studied up to expectation. European historians and philosophers seem to be hesitant to acknowledge the contribution of Islamic civilization over the centuries. Even a majority of Eastern scholars are critical about (...)
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  45. Buddhismus und Quantenphysik: die Wirklichkeitsbegriffe Nāgārjunas und der Quantenphsyik [i.e. Quantenphysik].Christian Thomas Kohl - 2005 - Aitrang: Windpferd.
    1.Summary The key terms. 1. Key term: ‘Sunyata’. Nagarjuna is known in the history of Buddhism mainly by his keyword ‘sunyata’. This word is translated into English by the word ‘emptiness’. The translation and the traditional interpretations create the impression that Nagarjuna declares the objects as empty or illusionary or not real or not existing. What is the assertion and concrete statement made by this interpretation? That nothing can be found, that there is nothing, that nothing exists? Was Nagarjuna denying (...)
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    The Supernatural. [REVIEW]L. P. W. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (1):133-135.
    As one might expect of a book of this modest size which bears such a title, this work concentrates upon only one of the many topics subsumed under the rubric "supernatural." After some reflection, the impression develops that this focus is on a colloquy between scholastic and contemporary formulations of the personal relationship between God and man in the process of divinization by grace. Kenny seems to offer the theory of "created actuation by Uncreated Act" as a particularly valuable model (...)
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    Making the Best of Things: Character Skepticism and Cross-Cultural Philosophy.John M. Doris - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (3):571-594.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Making the Best of Things: Character Skepticism and Cross-Cultural PhilosophyJohn M. Doris (bio)With your spirit settled, accumulate practice day by day, and hour by hour.—Miyamoto MusashiLike many of my colleagues in moral psychology, I’ve focused almost exclusively on Western philosophy, so I was pleasantly surprised when practitioners of cross-cultural and comparative philosophy responded to character skepticism with resources drawn from Eastern traditions.1 [End Page 571]As a reminder: the (...)
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    Jizya Tax Levied on Mawālī By Al-Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf’s Period in Umayyads and Its Background.Yunus Akyürek - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):331-351.
    The Umayyad State is widely criticized in the West as well as in its own region. Actually, this is normal situation. Because Hijaz Arabs who had no state experience, built a multinational state in short period of time. Yet, this caused serious matters. The fundamental point of the criticism is the payment of tax, also called jizya, which is taken from residents (mawālī) of Khorasan and Transoxania. However, in most studies on this subject, it is understood that the jizya taken (...)
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  49. Access to Prenatal Testing and Ethically Informed Counselling in Germany, Poland and Russia.Marcin Orzechowski, Cristian Timmermann, Katarzyna Woniak, Oxana Kosenko, Galina Lvovna Mikirtichan, Alexandr Zinovievich Lichtshangof & Florian Steger - 2021 - Journal of Personalized Medicine 11 (9):937.
    The development of new methods in the field of prenatal testing leads to an expansion of information that needs to be provided to expectant mothers. The aim of this research is to explore opinions and attitudes of gynecologists in Germany, Poland and Russia towards access to prenatal testing and diagnostics in these countries. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with n = 18 gynecologists in Germany, Poland and Russia. The interviews were analyzed using the methods of content analysis and thematic analysis. Visible (...)
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    Does the Price Support Policy Drive a Balanced Distribution of Profits in the Chinese Dairy Supply Chain? Implications for Supplier and Consumer Psychology.Feng Hu, Xun Xi, Rongjian Yu, Rong Xiang, Yueyue Zhang, Zhimin Ren, Xiaoping Wang & Jie Xie - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Evaluating the price policy of raw milk is of great significance to the sustainable development of an industry supply chain. In this context, our study used the multi-period difference-in-difference method to systematically examine the impact of the policy implementation on product price and profit distribution in the supply chain. The results showed the following: the price of raw milk in the implementation area of the price support policy is 13.54% higher than that of the unimplemented area; the effect of price (...)
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